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«When Engagement has an Impact.»


Public affairs is the strategic management of decision processes at the interface between politics, business and society. Public affairs agencies are mandated by companies, associations and other stakeholders to represent their interests.


Our strengths lie in the development and implementation of holistic public affairs strategies (especially when accompanying legislative projects at federal level), negotiations with authorities and the organisation of events. In addition, we are well suited as sparring partners, e.g. for members of executive boards.


Here you will find explanatory case studies.

Public Affairs



An internationally active company in the FMCG sector with its headquarters in Switzerland and a branch in Germany has approached us because it is confronted with the threat of regulatory changes due to the changing political situation. If these were to be implemented, this would have a lasting negative impact on the company's business performance. Our task is to develop and implement a public affairs concept. This includes raising awareness of our client's concerns among various stakeholders involved in the legislative process.


A major Swiss financial services provider is concerned that the Swiss pension system be further developed in such a way as to ensure that pensions are also secured for future generations, thus also facilitating the economic advancement of society. Our task is to outline a possible course of action, to derive a public affairs strategy from it and to accompany the company in implementing it over several years.


A multinational chemical company based in Switzerland fears major disadvantages if a popular initiative is adopted. We develop an integrated concept to identify measures that increase the chances of the initiative being rejected by the electorate. We contribute to this through the activation of various affected social groups as well as engagement with relevant stakeholders and active media work.


A global pharmaceutical company based in Switzerland is particularly affected by a planned ordinance amendment due to its product portfolio. Accordingly, we try to make the administration aware of the challenges that this change in regulation would pose for our client. This is done with the aim of finding a rapid solution that is acceptable to all stakeholders involved.


A foreign life science company with its European headquarters in Switzerland has a challenge to overcome in the context of an administrative procedure. We support the company concerned in protecting its interests vis-à-vis the authorities involved. Specifically, we are entrusted with identifying the right contact persons at the level of official management in order to define, together with our client, a course of action that will lead to a satisfactory conclusion of the said procedure.


The branch of an international company producing in Switzerland for the global market is confronted with the possible loss of production capacities within the group. We draw up a concept on how the country market concerned can meet this challenge and secure corresponding capacities at its location in the long term. For this purpose, we work together with international partners who support us in the implementation while safeguarding the interests of all parties involved.


A large institutional investor has bought a site that is to be developed. In this respect, there are various challenges to be overcome with different stakeholders. Our task is to design a public affairs strategy that will enable the site development to proceed as quickly as possible.


The CEO of a larger listed SME approaches us. There are various reputationally damaging incidents that put the company and especially the CEO under pressure and are exploited in the media. We offer the company CEO coaching. Together with the CEO, we develop a strategy aimed at averting the impending loss of reputation. The strategy includes various measures, in particular engagement, active media work and a media law approach.


«The mandating of external lobbyists is appropriate when a company or an association can only insufficiently safeguard its interests itself.»


Political lobbying

Protecting the interests of our clients through exchanges with various stakeholders, especially in the executive and legislative branches and with public authorities

Issue management

Systematic examination of future challenges that a company, association or public authorities may face

Media engagement and media training

Public relations work aimed at the targeted placement of specific key messages in the media


Fully automated observation and AI-integrated analysis of political developments and legislative changes at federal, cantonal and communal level

Stakeholder mapping and analysis

Identification, analysis, and categorization of relevant stakeholders

Engagement strategies and implementation

Development of holistic stakeholder engagement strategies and their implementation

Third-party advocacy

Indirect engagement via independent third parties to strengthen and broaden the position

Policy workshops

Introduction of international leadership teams to Swiss politics and its importance for Switzerland as a business location

​Association management



«We only do what we can. Parliament we can.»



Campaigning can change people's thinking, attitudes and behaviour. Campaigning is multi-faceted, interdisciplinary, target group-oriented and anchored in the fields of communication, politics, leadership and marketing.

We offer campaigning activities in the area of public affairs, for example when implementing a reputation campaign.

«Successful campaigning is a mix of strategy, marketing and luck».


Pound for pound is our credo. The term comes from boxing. In this sport, there are many different weight classes. Normally, a boxer weighing 120 kilograms wins against an opponent weighing 60 kilograms less. And this is true even if the lighter boxer clearly has the better athletic skills. The expression pound for pound puts the difference in weight into perspective: the best boxer is not the heaviest, but the one with the greatest class; or in other words: the best per pound.

Applied to our public affairs activity, this means two things: First, size does not matter. Regardless of the size of a public affairs agency, the skills of the consultants are crucial. The consultant who develops the best strategy, understands the subject matter, has the right network, implements the strategy stringently and carries out adequate public relations work can best protect the interests of the client. And secondly, it is also a question of input and output, because less is often more. A public affairs consultant who sends a letter to all 246 members of the federal parliament, sends the same letter by email and addresses them personally in the lobby five minutes before the vote in parliament is not a good consultant. This is not a very appropriate way to protect the client's interests. In most cases, the only outcome will be a high consultancy fee.

We claim to be at the top of the pound for pound ranking list: We are a small agency and we only offer a limited number of services. We only do what we can. And at a reasonable price.

pound for pound

«Successful lobbying is when everybody beliefs to have won in the end.»

About Us


We are an owner-managed public affairs agency which operates primarily in Switzerland and Germany. Our strengths lie in conceptual skills, an excellent network and the stringent implementation of the individual strategy for each client.

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Aaron Agnolazza (Public Affairs Consultant) is a lawyer and holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of St. Gallen. He has several years of experience in public affairs and communications, both on the consulting side and in various roles in multinational companies. Most recently, he managed the external engagement of a multinational company at group level for 29 countries. In addition to his work as a public affairs consultant at Paxedra AG, Aaron Agnolazza gives media training courses as part of his military service in the command for leadership and communication education of the Swiss Armed Forces.

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Lea Bünter (Junior Public Affairs Consultant) holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs from the University of St. Gallen. In her Bachelor’s thesis, she wrote about “Digital Diplomacy”. After graduation, she first completed an internship in Brussels and another in the public affairs department of Nestlé Switzerland. In addition to her work as a Public Affairs Consultant at Paxedra AG, she is studying European Global Studies at the University of Basel.


Jan Burdinski (Senior Public Affairs Consultant) studied political science in Marburg and Potsdam and is a chartered industrial clerk (Industriekaufmann IHK Berlin). He primarily advises international clients on political affairs in Brussels and Berlin since more than twenty years. Jan served on boards of think tanks and tech companies and supported political parties and NGOs in their strategy development. His industry focus is on the automotive industry, the energy transformation and industrial policy. He has previously served as the Executive Representative of the Hyundai Motor Group in Brussels, in charge of policy developments in the EU, the UK, Norway and Turkey. Prior to that he worked as the head of the Berlin office and special envoy for Turkey for General Motors Europe.

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Mariam Fall (Junior Public Affairs Consultant) holds a Master of Arts in Journalism with a focus on innovation and management from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. During her studies, she completed an internship at a leading American television station based in Washington DC, where she studied journalism and new media at the American University. She has several years of experience in public relations and in trade fair and event management, most recently for an international European organization.

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Dr. Sebastian Frehner (Senior Public Affairs Consultant) holds a PhD in law. He has many years of experience in business consulting for SMEs as well as multinational companies. He was also a member of the board of directors of a large Swiss bank for ten years and president of a medium-sized pension fund for six years. Frehner was also a member of the Swiss National Council from 2010 - 2019 and as such a member of the Committee for Social Security and Health and the Finance Committee. He has in-depth knowledge of the legislative process in the health, finance and pension sectors and a broad network in politics, with authorities and the business community. He teaches Public Affairs at the Private University of Applied Sciences PHW Bern. Sebastian Frehner is also socially committed, including as a member of the Business Advisory Board of Swisspeace.


Daniel Wingeier (Communications Specialist) is a qualified communications planner and has almost 40 years of experience in the communications industry. At the beginning, he worked as a consultant for various agencies. Later he founded his own communications agency.


«Good lobbying is not cheap. But no lobbying can cost you dearly»

Unsere Kunden


Our clients are mainly large, internationally active groups based in Switzerland and Germany, as well as the respective subsidiaries and Swiss branches of internationally active companies based abroad. We also serve individual associations and SMEs. We are mainly active in the health, chemical, financial and consumer goods sectors.

Selection of our clients:

• Roche Pharma (Schweiz) AG

• Syngenta Crop Protection AG

• Japan Tobacco International AG

• Nagra
• Vereinigung Pharmafirmen in der Schweiz
• santésuisse – The Swiss health insurers

• Uber B.V.

• Swiss Life AG

• Avenergy Suisse

• MSD Merck Sharp @ Dohme AG

• Zehnder Group Schweiz AG

• McDonald's® Schweiz

• Swiss Pledge



We are a member (Special Advisor) of " The FIPRA Network " , which has partners in 50 countries worldwide and specializes in consulting in the field of public affairs. FIPRA enables us to competently address international issues and provide suitable solutions.




We are also members of the Zug Chamber of Commerce, the Central Switzerland Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Zurich Chamber of Commerce:

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